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Preserves Swap-this weekend!

We're doing it again this year!
How does it work?
*Bring tasty food that you've made, labeled with its contents
*Everyone gets a space to set up their items
*Initial introduction, basic ground rules laid
*Open trading: mill about, make an offer, or wait for someone to approach you
       *offers can be negotiated or declined.

Bring a little, bring alot, you choose.
Come at 10am sharp.
E-mail us to reserve a spot.

Last year our public radio station did a story that aired locally and on 'All Things Considered.'
Home Canning Enjoys New Popularity

p.s. Saturday is also the TAUNY Holiday Open House, 10a-4p!
At 1p, there's a shape note singing concert that Hannah Harvester and Flip will be part of. 
And the awesome Gingerbread house exhibit.



In one modest garden, in one small town it's incredible how much happens in a year.
* on the social level: how many new people did you meet this season? there were people from 3 different continents in the garden, as well as new members and visitors from all over the states.
* on a practical level: renovation of the barn, new hog housing, improving the whole landscape of the Miner Street road frontage, and planting lots of perennials (herbs, blueberries, raspberries, hops and asparagus)
* on the microbial level: continual improvement of our sandy soil using chickens to fertilize the beds and boosting the organic matter with cover crops and mulches of various sorts.

 these upcoming months are a time for planning, your ideas are important. thank you one and all, do keep in touch.
it's not the end,  butt the start of a new season.