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new life at the gardens

This past week brought the arrival of piglets and quail.

These Japanese Courtnix quail are a small-scale experiment, bestowed upon us by a SLU student who had hatched them for an ornithology project this semester.  They're just over two weeks old and it's been interesting to observe them. They have more wild in them than chickens and can bounce right out of their brooding chamber when the lid comes off for food and water replenishing.It's a 'straight run,' mix of male and females, so hopefully at least half are females and we can experience their impressive lil' mottled eggs.

The pigs are starting to settle in. As long as we can keep Stás from barking excitedly at them, they should do well.
If you're over visiting, please leave the lid on the quail brooder, so they're not running loose. Rules for pigs: We can accept food scraps for the pigs as long as it does not contain meat, citrus or raw root vegetables. Please stay out of their pen and keep kids from poking and prodding them.
Folks are welcome to come by and see these animals at the start of their life. Thanks much.

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