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As you've probably noticed, the  chillier temperatures have brought veggies in from the fields of many shapes. Lots of variations on round (potatoes, turnips, beets and more). These grow underground and are the roots of the plant. Roots are known for their awesome roasting flavor and long storage. They brought many of our ancestors through chilly winter periods when not much was thriving above ground.

Two I wanted to mention as they may be the least familiar are: SUNCHOKES and CELERIAC. One you received last week and the other is coming soon. What's so great about these and why do we grow them? Both are very well suited to the North Country climate.
jerusalem artichoke flower
Sunchokes (also called jersusalem artichokes) are the tuber of a perennial flower in the same fam as sunflowers. If we don't dig the whole patch up, the tubers left in ground will produce more fall flowers the next season. This is cool and labor saving. The peel is edible.

What about celeriac? The is the same family as celery and though a root instead of stalk, the flavor is reminiscent. Celery stalks do not store through the winter. Through the ages, folks bred a strain with increasingly large roots. And the roots do store! Peel off the gnarly outer peel and use the smooth interior. Great in soups also edible raw.

Fall is an emotionally strange time. If you are a winter sport lover, the snow can't come soon enough. I do not fall into that category. But the foods of this season, though not as sexy as a gleaming tomato, are incredibly flavorful (and forgiving) in the kitchen.

It's worth doing research on the internet or cookbook, for some creative ways to use these vegetables.
Plus nearly all roots make awesome fries!

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