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share details-sept/oct split

delicata SQUASH
PEANUTS in the North Country, what?! Each year at littleGrasse we grow a showcase plot of short-season peanuts to diversify the garden and spark conversation. Each share will receive 1 cup which is enough to say you've roasted local peanuts! Then we'll have enough remaining to save for next season's planting stock. The roasting process is a simple one in the oven and all manner of spices and salt can be added. The peanuts can then be snacks or crushed atop a savory or sweet dish.

The POTATO crop has been quite abundant! We have enough to offer a different variety each week. So far you've received Red Norland and purple Libby. This week is white SALEM. This variety is moist and excellent for boiling, mashing & casseroles.  When fried, the skin will tend to be crispy, with a creamy inside. 

The BRUSSELL caps are the tops of the brussels sprout plant. They can be used in any recipe calling for cabbage and collards (same family). We prune the top of the plant to promote larger sprout growth. It's a great way to use more of the plant. 

The deer are descending on the remaining GREENS in the fields (spinach, kale, chard, collards). Periodically we put Rye as nightime watch dog in various fields, to fend off munching animals. We'll do our best to protect the remaining greens for the final three distributions. Overall, the final outdoor planting of spinach has been growing sluggishly. We had intended to distribute it already, but there is not enough for all shareholders at this point. Hopefully in the coming weeks there will be.

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