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May field update

In the rush of planting and watering, we haven't given an update in a while. We have worked to get a wide variety of plants and seeds in the ground as usual. And we've stayed on schedule in that regard. That's about all we have in our control. Beyond that, the weather has been challenging.  

littleGrasse received less than 1 inch of rain between April and May combined. To put that in perspective, the average for April is 2.57 and May is 4.45. This leads to slower growth and more challenging germination conditions. As such, much evening time has been spend watering the tenderest of crops such as onions and the direct seeded greens and carrots. Instead of rain, we've received steady winds and an extended dip into the low 20's last week that damaged emerging beets, chard and even the peas. All in all, even with the best of intentions and planting, the crops are coming in slowly.
In brighter news, the cole crops settled in well. They were planted during the May Garden Morning, with many eager hands. If they keep on their current course, we'll have a healthy harvest of broccoli, early cabbage, brussels sprouts and hopefully cauliflower.

The greenhouse has still been performing well in these conditions as we're responsible for the irrigation there. After moving out the couple thousand plants that were started in there this spring to transplant outside, we've filled it with tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and melons.

The highlight of the week has been the arrival of two of our three on-farm apprentices for the summer. Jacob and Maggie have helped make all the planting possible this week and learned a great deal in the process. We look forward to your meeting them as well as Julia, who arrives next week. 

We are still aiming to begin fresh distribution the week of June 22nd. The offering may not be as robust as in some years, due to the weather setbacks and overall sluggish growth. Stay tuned for more details.

The chicks are here! They're settling in well.


You-Pick Greens Share begins!

New this year is a you-pick greens share. It's an optional addition to extend the local eating season by four weeks on both ends of distribution. A few households have signed up and we look forward to freshening up some meals over the next month before regular distribution begins.

Things to keep in mind if you've signed up for a share:
* There are bags, knives and scissors in the barn. Always return the harvest tools to where you found them (on the black bookshelf just inside the door). 
* If you have not harvested before or are unclear, let's do it together the first time. In terms of this week, we will be out Friday and Saturday mornings if you'd like to come then. Otherwise, email us an we'll schedule a time.
* Pick from beds marked with the orange flags. There may be other beds nearby that look appealing, but please refrain from picking a bed until it is marked. There will be at least two different greens (as well as herbs) marked on any given day. 

* The whiteboard in the barn will also list which greens are currently available as well as which field they can be found in.
* This share is intended for your immediate family. It is not a free pass to harvest for individuals not in your household.
* Harvest during the daylight hours only
*We're open to feedback. In this pilot year, we welcome information from you about your experience with the share.

As always, you're welcome to email questions to us.

Now available:
greens: arugula
            head lettuce-variety, Speckled Trout!
herbs: oregano, marjoram, lemon balm


Garden Morning May 9th! and onion planting tomorrow

We look forward to seeing a great group of folks next Saturday for the first Garden Morning of the season. You are welcome to mark your calendars now for the whole darn season! Each Garden Morning is the 2nd Saturday of the month through October. They begin at 9am, with a potluck lunch at noon. The whole event is open to members along with their friends, family and wider community. We always aim to have a variety of projects to choose from so that varying abilities can plug in, including sitting tasks. It is possible to join us for just the morning or the potluck as your schedule allows.

If May 9th is no good, consider coming tomorrow anytime 9am-1pm to join in the onion planting. There will be great company (but no potluck).

While we ask for participation in some form from all members, we know Saturdays are not compatible with everybody's schedules. If that's the case, we can find other times for you to fit into the garden. If manual labor is not suitable, let's talk soon about other ways you can spend your participation time to strengthen the CSA.

Remember to park in the barnyard at 309 Miner Street and not on the roadside whenever possible. 
Lew and Calvin finishing up the broccoli planting