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crank it UP

 It's been awesome to see everyone in May and June for greens harvesting and putting in time at the garden. 

The weekly distribution is poised to begin this weekThe garden is beginning to offer a critical mass of flavors.  I reckon everyone is clear on whether their pickup falls on a Tuesday or Friday.  Essentially, the harvests will happen in the am.  And the vegetables will be ready for pickup after noon.  You will find a cooler in the shed with your name on it. Leave the cooler, take the food.  We have some spare containers if needed, but the coolers stay in the shed.  Handling your vegetables at pickup will give you the chance to see what's in the baskets and scheme some dinners for the week.

Taylor Park closes at 7:30p- thus the gate is open 'til then.  After that you'd need to use the key.  You can pickup whether we're in the garden or not.

SO: Bring something to put your food in: basket, box, etc...
       We're always looking for plastic shopping bags to reuse.
       There will be instructions up if anything needs clarification.

If we haven't worked out a schedule for your time in the garden, let's do that soon.  It's easier for us to make the best use of your time if we schedule something rather than having it loosey-goosey.

Thanks folks, flip

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