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garlic planting saturday

Late fall has arrived, and thus the time to plant our cloves back into the ground.  The beds will then be mulched for winter protection, and roots will begin to grow and anchor the seed into place.  Come springtime, the shoots will push through the mulch and grow into a full bulb for July harvest.  Planting is a simple and fun group task.  The more folks we have come out this weekend, the quicker it will go!

Planting is this Saturday starting at 9:30a.  If the forecast changes and it's actively raining, we'll postpone.  The soil will likely feel chilly (gloves).  If you can't make Saturday, but want to be involved, there's lots of garlic 'cracking' to do as well as bed preparation beforehand. Get in touch to set up a time.
Hope to see you!

1 comment:

  1. I plan to be there today! How late do you think you will go?
