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and the MANURE was bountiful

lew spreading mulch

Morning all:

Well done yesterday.  It's  great to look across that wide expanse, and see the asparagus, blueberry and flower areas ready for success this season.  And 400+ feet of onions weeded.

Glad to share a 100% overwintered salad for the lunch.  The spinach was planted in the fall, and though the tops died off in the cold months, the roots remained alive, and the crowns resprouted as the ground thawed.  The remaining salad ingredients (sorrel, mint, thyme, oregano, borage, bunching onions), are perennials. They provide a mouthful of flavor.

oregano: mulched for winter, growing lively now

Enjoy the parsnips.  And as for the spinach, we're on the fence between a creamy soup and a lasagna. 

 * * * * *

Savory Parsnips Saute 

Often, I roast parsnips.  Here's a simple method on the stove top.  You can choose the seasonings you're in the mood for.  

1 lb parsnips
2 tbs butter
Optional: fresh rosemary or curry powder or clove/nutmeg combo or sage or thyme
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Peel the parsnips, then cut them into 2" lengths. Cut the sections into strips about 1/2 inch thick. In a heavy 10-inch skillet, melt the butter; then add the parsnips, shaking to coat. Sprinkle with seasonings. Cover tightly and saute on medium heat for about 5 to 10 minutes, until they are just tender. Turn up the heat to medium high and brown the parsnips, stirring to prevent scorching. Serves 3 or 4.
* * * * * *

cheers for now, flip
ps hannah.  i think it was the sorrel.

tim shovelin' away

champion weeders daniel and grace

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